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We welcome you as potential authors to the Inflation Era Journal that will be produced without charge at for all people interested or curious about the topic of inflation and deflation.

Readers are encouraged to share their thoughtful ideas with other readers who will likely range from beginner to expert. Send us your paper in Word form to for consideration.


When submitting a paper, it is important to remember that these papers should be: Directly related to inflation and deflation in the past, present or future.

They should NOT be promoting or evaluating:

  • Any type of investment or investment strategy
  • A political philosophy, political party or a politician.

Qualified referees will review these papers of any length submitted by readers to determine that the submissions meet the Journal’s primary goal of providing information about inflation so that others can be more informed citizens no matter their prior level of expertise about the topic. You may include a maximum six line bio at the end of your paper along with email or phone contact information.

The Inflation Era Journal maintains the discretion to make the final decision as to whether or not a submitted paper is or is not included in the compilation of inflation or deflation oriented papers.

All papers published will remain on the site at the editor’s discretion BUT the published papers are the property of the author for further use.